Policies and Resources College of Law
The policies page is intended to house the College of Law's policies, as well as institutional-wide policies, in a centralized location. Please direct policy-related questions to Associate Dean Courtney Barclay at cbarcla1@ju.edu.
College of Law Policies and Resources
- Academic Resources
- Course and Exam Schedules
- Definition of a Credit Hour
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources
- Faculty Bylaws
- Organization and Governance
- College Committees
- Appointment to Rank, Tenure, and Promotion
- Faculty Expectations
- Hiring Policies
- Admissions
- Non-Discrimination
- Financial Information
- Transfer Student Admission
- Foreign-Education Applicants
- Career and Professional Development
- Non-Discrimination Policy
- Pro-Bono Requirement
- Law Library and Resource Center
- Borrowing Privileges
- Due Dates and Overdue Notices
- Fines and Fees
- Consumer Information / Disclosures
- College of Law Complaint Procedures
Campus-Wide Policies and Resources
Campus Health (Covid-19)
Regardless of vaccination status, if you have been exposed to COVID but don't currently have any symptoms, it is recommended that you monitor for developing symptoms (nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, headache, cough, body aches, and/or fatigue). If you develop symptoms, isolate yourself and contact the Student Health Center immediately at (904) 256-8080 to schedule an appointment.
Accommodations and Accessibility
Campus Safety and Security
- Campus Security Office
- Campus Security Information
- Campus Safety and Security Programs
- Access to Campus and Buildings or Facilities
- Campus Patrols
- Campus Emergency Notification
- Reporting a Campus Incident
- Lighting
- Fire Extinguishers and Alarms
- Crime Reporting
- Sexual Assault Prevention & Information
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Building Access & Key Control Policy
- Active Shooter Handbook
- Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act
- Clery Act Compliance: Annual Security Report (2022-2023)
- ​Personal Safety Tips
- Are You Being Stalked
- Student Code of Conduct (Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs)
- Weather Readiness
Information Technology
- Graduate Tuition and Costs
- Payment Policy
- Refund Policy (and Requirements for Withdrawals)
- Student Employment (Required Forms)
- Controller, FAQs and Essential Information
- Donations
- Accounts Payable
- Expense Reimbursements and Advancements (Students and Employees)
- P-Cards (Employees)
- Payroll and Time Sheet Submissions
Employee (Faculty and Staff)
- Office of People and Culture (Human Resources)
- Employee Handbook
- Employee Advisory Council
- Employee Benefits
- Employee Hotline
- Employee Frequently Asked Questions
- Manager's Hiring Guide
- Performance Appraisal Program
- FERPA (Student Records)
- Sexual Harassment
- Title IX
- ADA Accommodations Policy
- Remote Work Policy
- Worker's Compensation
- Student Handbook (JU Green Pages)
- Assembly, Demonstration, and Rallies
- Complaint and Grievance Procedures
- Alcoholic Beverage / Controlled Substance Policy
- Smoke-Free Campus Policy
- Tailgating Policy
- Medical Amnesty / Good Samaritan Policy
- Medical and Compassionate Withdrawal Policy
- Disruptive Classroom Behavior Policy
- Harassment and Discrimination Policy
- Immunization Policy
- Policies Regarding Minors on Campus
- Posting Policy
- Sales and Solicitation
- Search and Seizure Policy
- Weapons Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Academic Integrity
- Green Dot Bystander Intervention
- Support Services
- FERPA (Student Rights Under FERPA)
- Registrar, Office of
Accreditation Information
Accreditation is the hallmark of quality and high standards for legal education and admission to the Bar. The ÐÓ°É College of Law is provisionally approved by the American Bar Association (Council of the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738), and, in accordance with ABA rules, will continue to pursue full accreditation. Law schools that are provisionally accredited are entitled to all the rights of a fully approved law school. Similarly, from an ABA perspective, graduates of provisionally approved law schools are entitled to the same recognition that is accorded graduates of fully approved law schools.
General Counsel
2800 University Blvd N, Jacksonville, FL 32211