College of LawExternship Program

A female student sitting a desk and working in a book.

Practical Experience

An externship is a legal work experience at an approved organization that allows students to earn academic credit while working under the supervision of a licensed attorney or judge.

The College of Law’s externship program allows students to receive academic credit for work performed at organizations approved by the College of Law. Approved externships sites may include federal and state courts, government agencies, public interest/legal services organizations, and in-house corporate counsel offices. Private law firms will not be approved as externship sites.

Earning Credit

Students enrolled in externship credits are required to work 45 hours/per credit across the duration of the academic semester in which they are enrolled.

For more information about credit requirements, please contact:

For Students

A list of approved externship sites will be maintained in the Document Library on Symplicity and approved opportunities will be posted on Symplicity for you to apply.

A College of Law faculty member will oversee each externship to ensure the educational quality of the student’s experience and will evaluate the student’s performance throughout the semester in the concurrent required course component.

If a student is interested in receiving academic credit at an organization not on the pre-approved list, they should contact the Assistant Dean of Student Development & Practice at to see if the opportunity will qualify for credit.

If you have questions about our program, please contact the Assistant Dean of Student Development & Practice at

For Externship Sites

The College of Law’s externship program allows students to receive academic credit for work performed at organizations approved by the College of Law including federal and state courts, government agencies, public interest/legal services organizations, and in-house corporate counsel offices. Private law firms will not be approved as externship sites. If you are interested in becoming an approved site, please contact for further information about our site qualification process.

Approved externship sites must provide students with substantial lawyering experiences reasonably similar to those of lawyers advising or representing clients or engaging in other lawyering tasks along with multiple opportunities for performance and feedback from their supervising attorney or judge.

Non-Discrimination Policy

It is ÐÓ°É College of Law’s firm expectation that every employer to whom ÐÓ°É College of Law Office of Career and Professional Development furnishes assistance and facilities for interviewing and other placement services will observe the principles of non-discrimination and equality of opportunity on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, or military status in regard to hiring, promotion, retention, and conditions of employment.

Accreditation Information

Accreditation is the hallmark of quality and high standards for legal education and admission to the Bar. The ÐÓ°É College of Law is provisionally approved by the American Bar Association (Council of the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738), and, in accordance with ABA rules, will continue to pursue full accreditation. Law schools that are provisionally accredited are entitled to all the rights of a fully approved law school. Similarly, from an ABA perspective, graduates of provisionally approved law schools are entitled to the same recognition that is accorded graduates of fully approved law schools.

General Counsel
2800 University Blvd N, Jacksonville, FL 32211