Campus Security Information Green Pages Student Handbook
General Information
Ӱ is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our entire campus community, inclusive of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This is achieved by having a Department of Campus Safety and Security in which Security Officers provide 24-hour, 7-day a week services. Officers with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office provide periodic patrols on campus as well, due to a partnership with the Sheriff’s Office. In addition, the University hires sworn deputies from the Sheriff’s Office who are on campus most nights of the week. These sworn officers have full authority to enforce all state and local laws, as they work in concert with the JU Campus Safety and Security Officers to provide safety and security services.
While the campus of Ӱ is, overall, a safe environment, this does not mean we are immune from crime. It is crucial that each individual is cognizant of the fact that we all play a role in the safety and security arena. Each individual should be vigilant in the effort of reporting any criminal acts, suspicious activity, or safety concerns. This function is everyone’s business, in the interest of safety and security on our campus.
There are a few, simple, common sense precautions that each individual can take to help ensure your own safety. Some of these include: keeping room, residential hall, and apartment doors locked at all times; keeping vehicle doors locked and all valuables removed; walking in groups or at least with one other person after dark; and remaining alert to your surroundings. The Department of Campus Safety and Security maintains a number of safety tip brochures and information available to all members of the campus community. In addition, the Department publishes an Annual Security Report and Safety Guide in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act. This report, published annually, contains a plethora of safety tips and campus security information inclusive of crime data with which everyone should become familiar. The report also contains information regarding the State of Florida’s alcohol and drug laws, as well as information regarding sexual violence/harassment, stalking, dating violence and domestic violence. The following sections are intended to acquaint you with the specific elements of safety and security at Ӱ. We hope it will become a useful tool in your day-to-day life on campus. If there are ever questions or concerns, we are here to assist. The Campus Security number and other contact numbers will be denoted in the following sections.
The following sections are intended to acquaint you with the specific elements of safety and security at Ӱ. We hope it will become a useful tool in your day-to-day life on campus. If there are ever questions or concerns, we are here to assist. The Campus Security and other contact numbers will be denoted in the following sections.
Campus Safety and Security Programs
Ӱ employs a number of methods designed to educate and keep the University community informed about campus safety and security matters. These services are offered through the Department of Campus Safety and Security and include:
- Crime prevention and awareness programs;
- Personal safety awareness workshops;
- Operation ID (inventory and marking personal property);
- Safety escorts;
- Assistance in planning campus events related to security and/or parking logistics;
- Campus patrols;
- Vehicle battery jumpstarts;
Access to Campus and Buildings or Facilities
All entrances to the University campus are closed nightly. Once the gates are closed all access to the University is through the Welcome Center, located at the main entrance of the campus at Dolphin Dr. and University Blvd. All vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle traffic must stop and check in at the Welcome Center. Officers will check all vehicles to ensure a valid University parking decal is displayed and may request to see valid forms of personal Identification prior to allowing a vehicle to proceed onto campus. All JU students should carry their issued Dolphin Card at all times. The Dolphin Card is the simplest way to confirm identity as a registered student to allow entry into the campus and residential areas in an expedient fashion. Vehicles that do not have a valid parking decal will be required to stop. The driver and any passengers will be required to present identification and state their purpose for visiting. The vehicle may be allowed to proceed once a legitimate purpose has been established (e.g., invited guest of a current student).
The entrances of the Residence Halls are locked with access restricted to resident students who have been issued the appropriate access instrument (JU Dolphin Card activated as card reader, key, or other type of proximity card) to enable access to their assigned hall and room.
Access to classrooms, labs, computer rooms, and other areas of the campus after regular hours will be granted according to the Access List only which has been approved and signed by a University official. Only those students whose name has been entered on an approved Access List submitted to Campus Security by their professor will be admitted into these areas after hours. All students requesting access must present their student ID. Access will not be permitted to the aforementioned areas between the hours of 11:00 PM and 8:00 AM.
The Department of Campus Safety and Security provides campus patrols regularly on a 24-hour basis. Officers use a combination of means by which to move about the grounds to include: golf carts, bicycles, marked patrol vehicles and by foot. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office also patrols the campus. Sworn deputies with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office are employed as well, to remain on campus for regular tours of duty most nights of the week in order to provide an extra level of security. They patrol the roadways, parking lots and residential housing areas. Residential Life staff members conduct rounds of the residential facilities on a nightly basis. On final rounds an officer with Campus Security may accompany Res Life staff members. Campus Security Officers, Officers of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, and/or the Jacksonville Fire/Rescue Department are available to respond to emergencies occurring on campus.
Emergency Phones and Campus Emergency Notification
For the convenience and safety of our campus community there are a number of Blue Light Emergency Phones, located on specially designed columns that are placed around the campus grounds. In the event of an emergency, the phones can be used to establish a direct link with the Department of Campus Security Dispatching Center. The locations of the emergency blue light phones are indicated by a blue star on the map inside the Parking and Traffic Regulations pamphlet.
In the event of an emergency situation occurring on campus (e.g., active shooter, full or partial campus evacuation, weather emergency or other crisis) the University has established an Emergency Alert Notification System. All members of the University community (students, parents of students, faculty, and staff) are encouraged to register to receive these timely alert notifications by registering their phone number, e-mail address or other contact information. In the event of an emergency, registered members in the system will be notified by way of a telephone call, e-mail, and/or text message that an emergency exists and what actions to take. In addition, there is an emergency siren located on campus to alert the community of an emergency situation.
Reporting a Campus Incident
In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1. This can be accomplished by dialing 9-9-1-1 from any telephone on campus, including residence hall room phones or by use of your cell phone (911 only). The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is the local law enforcement agency for Jacksonville, Duval County. The Jacksonville Fire/Rescue Department provides fire response and emergency medical services. You may also call Campus Security at extension 7911 or 7585 for immediate, on-campus assistance. If you are close to one of the “Blue Light” emergency phones located on campus, simply push the button to notify Campus Security. Campus Security Officer(s) will respond to your location.
All instances of criminal occurrence must be reported. In addition to contacting the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office you should contact Campus Security at the numbers indicated in the paragraph above. The non-emergency contact number for the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is 904-630-0500. The Campus Security Department maintains a log of crimes reported and records of all incidents that occur on the campus. The department must provide annual crime statistics, in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.
As discussed earlier, crime prevention is everyone’s business. Anyone reporting a criminal act, suspicious person or activity or other safety and security matter can remain anonymous. The important issue is to promptly report it for the safety and security of the campus community.
The University continues to invest resources to provide lighting throughout the campus. A continuous audit of the lighting system, potential safety hazards, and proper functioning of emergency telephones is conducted by Campus Security. Any hazards or defects are reported to the appropriate department for repair. In addition, an annual lighting survey is conducted in order to identify areas of the campus that may need additional lighting.
Fire Extinguishers and Alarms
All residential housing as well as all buildings on campus are equipped with fire alarm systems and fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers are regularly inspected by Campus Security Officers to ensure they are fully charged and operationally ready in the event of a fire. It is recommended that each student familiarize themselves with fire extinguisher locations within their residential housing area as well as evacuation routes in the event of a fire. In the essence of fire safety, any fire extinguisher damaged or missing should be reported to Campus Security so that a replacement can be made.
Residential Life has adopted and issued fire safety practices and rules which can be found in the Residential Life policies in their website.
It should also be noted that it is unlawful to falsely activate a fire alarm or falsely report a fire as covered in Florida State Statutes, Chapter 806. It is also unlawful to tamper, destroy or remove a fire extinguisher or other fire extinguishing equipment (unless used as intended to extinguish a fire) as covered in Florida State Statutes, Chapter 806.