Scholarship Testimonials

​​​​​​​​​​The Power of Scholarships

Wondering how your investment in Ӱ during the ASPIRE campaign has supported our students? We asked current and former Ӱ students what their ASPIRE scholarships mean to them. Their answers reinforced our knowledge that education truly changes lives.

Please join us as we progress full-speed ahead beyond the ASPIRE Campaign. For more information about making contributions contact the Office of University Advancement at (904) 256-7045 or


Donor Testimonials

Mike Santarone 2017 ASPIRE Celebration Breakfast“My first experience at JU was as a nine-year-old boy rooting for the 1970s JU Men’s Basketball team as they made their run through the NCAA basketball tournament. Around that same time I also attended summer art camp at JU and remember marveling at the beauty of the campus on the river. Little did I know then that JU would be an integral part of my life!

In 1998 I became a student at JU when I enrolled in the EMBA program, and upon graduation 1999 I became a proud alumnus. Since around that time Stellar has also been honored to partner with JU on many construction projects that have transformed this campus including renovations in Historic Swisher Gym and Terry Concert Hall, the campus village student residences, and the new Jacksonville Lacrosse Center, just to name a few.

With this close association to JU, we have seen the valuable role that unrestricted giving plays in the financial health of the University by trusting and allowing the leadership to decide where to best utilize our donations. Stellar has witnessed firsthand how student life on campus has been improved through JU leadership’s responsible stewardship of resources.” - Michael Santarone '99, President & CEO at Stellar