Faculty Development Internal Funding Opportunities

Faculty Professional Development Grants

Updated April 1, 2024

ÐÓ°É encourages members of the faculty to attend and contribute to professional meetings.  Full-time Faculty may apply for one Faculty Professional Development grant per semester for 2024-25 (i.e., events taking place between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025).  This year, we have combined the application into one document to be used for both virtual and in-person professional development requests.  

For Virtual Events: Only registration fees will be considered eligible for reimbursement. Faculty members who fail to apply in advance should not expect reimbursement for virtual PD.

For In-person Events with Travel: 

There are two categories of eligibility that apply to all full-time faculty members interested in travel funds:

1. Presenter of a prepared paper, or recognized discussant, panelist, or convener        for a formal session listed in the meeting program; or
2. Attendee (i.e., non-contributor).

Faculty members who meet either of the two eligibility requirements specified above may receive reimbursement for their registration fees, transportation, and reasonable lodging costs and reasonable food costs. Applicants should consult with their chair and/or dean for additional support beyond the amounts below as needed. Faculty who fail to apply in advance should not expect reimbursement for travel PD.

Normally, faculty will be eligible to have their category 1 and category 2 expenses covered for no more than two conferences per year in accordance with the following schedule:

Attendee:           Domestic (up to $800)                   International (up to $1,200)

Presenter:         Domestic (up to $1,000)                 International (up to $1,400)



1.  Know Before You Go: Read the current ORSP Travel Policy available here.

2. A minimum of 4 weeks prior to the event date, submit a Faculty Professional            Development application to ORSP@JU.EDU

3. The Summer/Fall/Spring 2024-25 Faculty Development Application is available for download here.  We will begin accepting applications for the new fiscal year on April 1, 2024.

Process for submitting Virtual and Travel PD Requests:

  1. Once the application has been signed by the faculty, the chair, and the dean, it may then be submitted to ORSP by either the requesting faculty member or the dean’s office. Please decide who will be submitting your application in advance so we don't receive duplicate submissions.  
  2. Each application will receive a timely response. A decision letter should be received within 3-5 business days after application is received.
  3. It is the faculty member’s responsibility to verify they received an award confirmation prior to attending the event. If you haven’t heard from us within five business days of your submission, chances are we did not receive your application.  Please follow up with your chair and/or dean’s office directly. Applications submitted after the event has already occurred will not be considered for approval or reimbursement.
  4. Because funds are limited, there is a competitive preference priority. Faculty applying as presenters will be given a competitive preference for discipline-specific presentations at national conferences. For those applying as attendees, junior faculty (those who have served three years or less at JU) receive priority.
  5. Reimbursement: Awardees must submit their reimbursement requests using the Chrome River system, available via MyJU.  Requestors should refer to their award letters for appropriate account number.
  6. Allocations to support faculty PD are provided annually, although, due to the unpredictability of demand, budgeted funds may in some years be insufficient to meet all legitimate needs for assistance. 

Submit completed applications to ORSP@JU.EDU