News & Events
Recently in the School of Social Sciences & Education...
August 17 - Beginning of Fall semester
September 16 - Constitution Day 2020 - VIRTUAL EVENT - 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Meeting ID: 810 3420 7339
Passcode: 500537
January 6 - Beginning of Spring Semester
January 20 - MLK Day (No classes)
January 27 - Registration for SUMMER 2020 (All students and programs)
February 12 - Political Science Society presents a discussion on Rights with Professor Shelley Grant
7:00pm Davis College of Business & Technology, Room 114
March 3 - Peace Corps Documentary Screening
6:00pm - 9:00pm Gooding Auditorium, Room 134
March 9 to 13 - Spring Break
April 17 - Charter Day
April 20 to 24 - Final Examinations Week
April 23 - Commencement Ceremonies for Graduate & Doctoral Degrees
April 24 - Graduating Senior Reception
2:30 - 3:30pm Gooding Building Lobby
April 25 - Commencement Ceremonies for Bachelor Degrees
April 25 - End of Spring 2020 Semester
April 25 - Graduation Conferral Date
August 23, 2019: Matriculation
August 26, 2019: Start of Fall Semester
September 2, 2019: No Classes - Labor Day
September 4, 2019: COAS Dean's List Recognition - Terry Concert Hall
September 12, 2019: Faculty and Staff Appreciation Event
September 18, 2019: Constitution Day-Gooding Auditorium, 11:00am to 12:55pm
October 18-19, 2019: JU Homecoming & Family Weekend
November 11, 2019: No Classes - Veterans Day
GIS DAY - November 13, 2019: GIS Day is November 13. To be held at ÐÓ°É in the Gooding Auditorium from 11:00am to 12:55pm
November 25-29, 2019: No Classes - Thanksgiving break
December 9-13, 2019: Final Examinations Week
December 14, 2019: End of Fall Semester
November 14, 2018: GIS Day is November 14. To be held at ÐÓ°É in the Gooding Auditorium from 10:30am to 2:00pm.
November 15, 2017: GIS Day is November 15, located in the Gooding Auditorium from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Come hear GIS Professionals speak about applying GIS to a variety of careers. There is also a student map competition.
April 27, 2016: Leadership Jacksonville honored JU Sociology graduate, Nina Waters, for her service to the community. JU Geography Professor Ray Oldakowski and retired JU professors Joan Carver (political science) and Betty Winstead (sociology) were also in attendance.
JU Sociology Professor Heather Downs Hosts Careers in Sociology Networking Night at JU River House
April 25, 2016: JU Sociology Professor Heather Downs hosted a Careers in Sociology networking night at the JU River House. Each student brought two guests who are mid-career to network with the other students and make connections for future internships and potential job opportunities.
JU Political Science Society Co-Hosts Event with Jacksonvile United Nations Association
April 23, 2016: On Saturday, April 23, the Jacksonville United Nations ASsociation hosted an event with guest speaker Ed Coyle on the "Globalization of Terrorism in the Middle East." Mr. Coyle was the Foreign Counterintelligence Representative to the Supreme Allied Command Atlantic (SACLANT/NATO) and an inaugural member of the Jacksonville Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Florida Regional Domestic Security Task Force. The event took place at the Marine Science Research Institute on the JU campus.
April 18, 2016: Three students in Professor Rippere's Political Parties and Elections course spoke to Danielle Morgan on her radio show, Jax Journal, about the 2016 presidential election.
Sociology Professor Nathan Rousseau Recognized at Celebration of Service Luncheon
April 17, 2016: JU Sociology Professor Nathan Rousseau was recognized at the Celebration of Service Luncheon. He received a President's Volunteer Service Award, Bronze Certification for his many hours of community service over the last year.
Three Social Sciences Faculty Honored for Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
April 16, 2016: Three Social Sciences faculty were honored at the 58th Annual Faculty Recognition Dinner for their exceptional teaching, scholarship, and service to the university and community:
- Shelley Grant was honored for teaching
- Sherri Jackson was honored for University Service
- Ray Oldakowski was honored as a finalist for the JU Professor of the Year Award
JU Social Sciences Students Study Abroad in Cuba
April 5, 2016: Over Spring Break, JU professors Jesse Hingson and Ray Oldakowski led JU students on a Study Abroad trip to Cuba. The trip was party of a course that Hingson and Oldakowski team-teach on Cuba's history, politics, culture, and environment. .
JU Hosts Florida Geography Bee
April 4, 2016: On Friday, April 1 JU hosted the Florida Geography Bee. The Championship round lasted over 90 minutes, and Geography Professor Ray Oldakowski served as one of the moderators. Last year's Florida Champion, Rishi Nair, will be headed back to DC for the 2016 national championship.
JU Grad Accepted to Graduate Program at London School of Economics
March 31, 2016: Ben Leong, a double major in Sociology and Political Science, has been accepted tos everal prestigious graduate programs in International Relations. He will attend the London School of Economics and begin studying in Beijing, China in September.
JU Political Science Students Meet with FL House Candidate
March 17, 2016: JU Political Science students had lunch with Jason Fischer, current Duval County School Board member and candidate for FL House District 16 (Mandarin).
Political Science Students Interviewed on Jax Journal Radio Show
January 28, 2016: Dr. Paulina Rippere and two political science students sat down with Danielle Leigh from Jax Journal for a roundtable discussion about millennials and voting.