Grading Information
Updated October 20, 2020
Grade Scale
JU operates on a 4.0 scale.
Letter Grade​ | ¶Ů±đ´Úľ±˛Ôľ±łŮľ±´Ç˛Ô​ | Numerical Equivalent ​(Grade Points) |
´ˇâ€‹ | ​Exceptional Work | 4.00​ |
A- | Excellent Work | 3.67 |
B+ | Good Work | 3.33 |
B | Good Work | 3.00 |
B- | Good Work | 2.67 |
C+ | Satisfactory Work | 2.33 |
C | Satisfactory Work | 2.00 |
C- | Passing Work | 1.67 |
D+ | Passing Work | 1.33 |
D | Passing Work | 1.00 |
D- | Passing Work | 0.67 |
F | Unsatisfactory Work; Failure | 0.00 |
I | Incomplete | Not included in GPA |
P | Passed | Not included in GPA |
W | Withdrew | Not included in GPA |
AU | Audit | Not included in GPA |
CR | Credit |
Not included in GPA |
S | Satisfactory |
Not included in GPA |
U | Unsatisfactory | Not included in GPA |
Grade Point Requirements & GPA Calculation
Grade Points Formula
Letter Grade (Numerical equivalent) | X | Nos. Hours Credit | = | Grade Points |
3.0 | X | 3 | = | 9 |
GPA Formula
Total Grade Points | Ă· | Total credit hours attempted | = | GPA |
45 | Ă· | 15 | = | 3.0 |
Graduate Student Grades
Graduate students in graduate courses do not receive “C-,” “D+,” “D,” or “D-” grades, but will receive an “F” for any graduate courses they earn less than a “C.” Graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses are not affected by this rule.
Graduation GPA Requirements
- Undergraduate students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) to avoid adverse academic action and to qualify for graduation.
- Graduate students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA to avoid adverse academic action and to qualify for graduation.
“I” Grades - Incompletes
- An incomplete (“I”) grade indicates that not all course work was completed by the end of the term and that the student received permission from the professor for an extension to complete the work.
- The student will be expected to complete all work by the end of the fourth week of the next semester/term, if the work is not completed by the deadline, the “I” will change to an “F” grade.
- Faculty may grant an extension of the time to complete the “I” grade to the last day of classes of the next semester by submitting a written request to the Registrar’s Office.
“W” Grade - Course Withdrawal
- During the withdrawal period the student may withdraw from a course.
- Withdrawn classes will receive a “W” grade. The “W” will appear on the student’s transcript, but will not compute into the student’s GPA.
- To withdraw from a class a student must go to Self-Service and withdraw using the link provided on their schedule.
- Student-athletes are required to obtain the signatures on the Student-Athlete Withdrawal Form.
- Before withdrawing from a course the student should make sure that their eligibility for financial aid, scholarships, participation in sports, student activities, work, or any other condition that requires full-time student status at JU is maintained.
- Students who fail to attend a course or courses without filing a withdrawal request will receive a grade of “F” in each course.
- Exceptions to the withdrawal deadline will be granted only for an unforeseen and unavoidable documented emergency that precludes completion of the course or courses. All exceptions must be approved by the academic dean.
Traditional Term Classes
- The withdrawal period starts after the drop/add period and runs until the end of the tenth week of the traditional fall and spring semesters or the fourth week of a summer term.
- Students should consult the academic calendar for exact dates.
Accelerated Campus Classes
- The withdrawal period starts after the drop period (2nd Friday of the term) and runs until the fourth Friday of the term for the fall, spring and summer terms.
Accelerated Online Classes
- The withdrawal period starts after the drop period (2nd Friday of the term) and runs until the fourth Friday of the term for the fall, spring and summer terms.
Audited Classes
- Only undergraduate students may “audit” a class.
- Students may not audit a class in the core or their major.
- Students enrolled for “audit” will receive neither grade nor credit toward a degree.
- Once enrolled, the “audit” status may not be changed for credit after the drop/add period.
Pass/Fail Option
- A grading of “Pass” or “Fail” is available to degree-seeking undergraduates who have earned at least 28 credit hours and who are not subject to probation.
- The option is not available to graduate students.
- Pass/Fail options cannot be used to correct any type of academic deficiency or to earn hours by repeating a failed course.
- A Pass/Fail Audit Form must be provided to the Registrar’s Office and may not be changed after the final day of the drop/add period.
- A maximum of 12 credit hours can be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
- Maximum of four credit hours per semester.
- The following courses may not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis:
- English: ENGL 103 and ENGL 203
- Any course used to fulfill core curriculum requirements
- Courses required by the major or minor
- Honors courses
- Independent study courses
- A “P” is earned for “D-” quality work or better; the credit hours are counted in hours earned toward a degree, but the GPA is unaffected. An “F” has the value of a regular “F,” and the GPA is appropriately affected.
Final Grades
Final grades are due to the Registrar’s Office according to the academic calendar. Students may view their grades on-line using Self-Service.
Repeating a Class & Grade Substitution
Repeating a Class
- The grade awarded for each attempt of a course is included on the transcript and in the GPA computation, including “F” grades where the student repeated the course and earned a passing grade.
- Some JU courses may be repeated for degree credit. Such courses have a repeatability statement in the course description. All other courses may be repeated to improve a student’s GPA, but not for degree credit. If any course is repeated, but is not specified as repeatable for credit in the Catalog, the grade earned will be included in the GPA, but no hours earned are credited toward the degree requirements.
Grade Substitutions
- Undergraduate students only may have up to two grades substituted.
- The Grade Substitution Request Form must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office before the end of the 100% Drop Period for the term when the course is repeated.
- If the grade substitution results in a “W” (withdraw) grade or “F” grade, they will still count as one of the two substitutions allowed.
- If the grade substitution results in a “F” (failure) grade the “F” will replace the original grade in the Cum GPA even if it was passing.
- Graduate students are not eligible for grade substitution.
Appeals of Grades and Sanctions
Most questions on grades can easily be answered through consultation with the instructor. In the event that a student feels he/she has been treated unfairly, in that an instructor has deviated from his/her prescribed formula for grading in an arbitrary or punitive manner, the student may appeal the grade.
The following timetable and grade appeal process shall be used whenever the student disagrees with a grade assigned, for academic misconduct or any other reason.
- Appeals cannot normally be made unless a student has first discussed his/her concerns with the instructor. This conference should take place within three business days of the student being notified of the grade assigned, unless unforeseen and extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control warrant an extension. The student must be able to document such extenuating circumstances if requested by the instructor. If the grade assigned was for an assignment due the last week of the semester or on a final examination, the student and instructor must meet to confer no later than three business days after the beginning of the following semester.
- If the concerns remain unresolved after the conference with the instructor, the student must inform the instructor in writing within two business days of the conference that he/she is dissatisfied with the results of the conference. The student may then appeal the instructor's decision to the appropriate Division Chair, or the College Dean if the department or academic unit in which the course is taught is not part of a division. In the case that the grade in question was assigned by an adjunct member of the faculty, the appeal must also be made directly to the appropriate Division Chair or College Dean. An appeal must be formally submitted in writing, clearly stating and documenting the evidence for unfair, arbitrary or unwarranted treatment and must be submitted within ten business days of the student's written notification to the instructor that the issue remains unresolved. The Division Chair/College Dean shall confer with both the student and the concerned faculty member (or adjunct, if available) together within five business days of receiving the written appeal. The concerned faculty member (or adjunct, if he/she so desires) may at this time submit a formal written response to the student's appeal.
- If the student's concern is still unresolved after the conference with the Chair/Dean and faculty member, or if the instructor (or adjunct, if available) disagrees with the decision of the Chair/Dean, the Chair/Dean shall within five business days form a committee of five faculty members, four from within the Division/College to review the work in question and one from the Committee on Academic Standards, who comes from outside the Division/College, to insure that both the student and faculty member are fairly treated. Within ten business days the committee must review the case and issue its final recommendation. The committee may either recommend the grade remain unchanged from the instructor's decision or recommend the grade be changed to a value the committee deems appropriate for the case. If the case involves academic misconduct, the committee at that time may also recommend probation or suspension of the student, or dismissal from the University based upon compelling evidence of serious academic misconduct. In cases where the committee rules that the student should receive a penalty resulting in a grade of "F" or a course, the student may not withdraw or be withdrawn from the course at any time.
- The committee's recommendation then must be issued into the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Division Chair/College Dean, the instructor and the student in writing along with an explanation of the rationale for the recommendation. it is the responsibility of the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs to see that the recommendation is carried out. If a semester/term ends without the process reaching a final resolution, the process should continue at the beginning of the next semester at the point that was reached at the conclusion of the previous semester. In this case, the grade assigned for the course will be recorded as "NG" (no grade) on the student's official transcript, without prejudice, until the case is resolved.
- If the Division or College does not follow the procedures outline above then the student or instructor may appeal directly to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. This appeal must be in writing and must clearly demonstrate how the procedures contained in this Grade Appeal Process were violated. The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs is to determine whether proper procedures have been followed. In the event that they have not been followed, any recommendation or decision may be declared null and void and sent back to the Division or College for reexamination. The final disposition of the case must be reported to both the instructor and the student prior to the issuance of the grade.
General Grade Requirements for all Bachelor Degrees
- A minimum of “C” (2.0) average for all work taken at JU.
- A student must have a “C” (2.0) average in major.
- A student must have a “C” (2.0) average in minor.
- Freshman English (ENGL103) requires a minimum grade of “C-“(1.67).
Program Minimum Grade Requirements
JU has numerous programs for a student to choose from. Courses within some programs may require a minimum grade for the course to be used towards degree requirements or as a prerequisite. Please refer to the JU catalog, in the course description area, for classes that required a minimum grade.