Research & Internships

As you major or minor in Physics/Engineering Physics, we want you to have your best experience while at JU. If you have any questions or ideas that you want to talk about, do not hesitate get in touch with any of the faculty in the department. We want to be able to support you best throughout your undergraduate years and help you get trained best for whatever you choose to do after the college.

While you are completing your studies in physics at JU, it is important that you get involved in research projects, either on campus or off campus. These opportunities will complement the knowledge you acquire in the classes and labs, as well as prepare you for the real life situations whether you decide to attend graduate shool or join workforce. During a semester, you can join research projects being conducted in the department, so that you can carry out your study and research together. During the summer break, you can either continue to conduct research on-campus or take advantage of following off-campus opportunities to maximize your learning as a Physics major. The list below is not exhaustive. We recommend you do your own research so that you can find vast opportunities that are available to you.

Click here for Funding Opportunities for Students

  • Please talk to any faculty members to ask if they have space for you to get involved in their research.
  • Explore opportunities across the nation. This internship opportunity will be the best experience for you to get exposed to state of the art research at research oriented universities and national labs.
  • American Physical Society (APS) also has resources regarding for undergraduates.
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)'s program recruits students in US Universities to conduct internships in German Universities or Industries.
  • Various across the country have .
  • lists various opportunities for undergraduate students to explore.
  • Pathways to Science has listing of , fellowships and other opportunities for undergraduate students.
  • IBM has a for women and underrepresented minorities.
  • Some other private industries also offer summer internship programs for a Physics major. You can use job search engines or go to career section of the website of the industry that you are interested in to find opportunity for Physics Majors.

Experiential learning -- research, internships, service learning, or study abroad -- is a graduation requirement at ÐÓ°É. Learn more about experiential learning, our philosophy, and some of the opportunities available to you.

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Department of Chemistry and Physics

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Merritt Penticoff 132A
2800 University Blvd N
Jacksonville, FL 32211

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(904) 256-7300