What to Do in an Emergency

Every second counts in an emergency, and our priority at Ӱ is your safety. Planning ahead and knowing what to expect is integral when facing a disaster or threat. Please take a moment to read our step-by-step approach to handling high-alert scenarios on campus.

First, calling 9-1-1 and alerting Campus Security should always be your first action in the situations described in this guide.

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Armed Assault & Terrorist Threat​

You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • Keep out of harm’s way while awaiting for security and/or first responders.
  • Provide as much information as possible to security and/or authorities, including details about who, what, when, and where.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Direct evacuation as necessary.
  • Clear fire lanes and building access.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • Secure access to campus.
  • Provide timely alerts and/or warnings.

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Sexual Assault​

You should be prepared to:

  • Flee and fight back.
  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • Seek medical attention at the first opportunity.
  • Provide as much information as possible to security and/or authorities, including details about who, what, when, and where, including a physical description of the perpetrator.
  • Do not bathe, shower, or dispose of clothing before a medical examination and an interview can be completed.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Assist victim and remove from danger.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.

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Civil Disturbances and/or Riots​

You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • If near incident, close windows and doors.
  • Keep out of harm’s way while awaiting for security and/or first responders.
  • Continue normal routine if incident is under control.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Assist victims and remove from incident areas.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.
  • Direct evacuation as necessary.
  • Clear fire lanes and building access.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • Coordinate movement to/from offices or classrooms in the event of non-violent demonstrations.
  • Alert other personnel to make emergency repairs to damaged equipment and/or buildings.
  • Secure access to campus as necessary.

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Suspicious Package/Bomb Threat​

You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • Evacuate the area and direct others to evacuate, providing assistance to others when possible and remembering that elevators may be disabled.
  • Provide description of object and location.
  • If a threat is received by phone, provide the following details, if possible:
    • When will the bomb detonate?
    • Where is the bomb located or allegedly located?
    • What type of bomb is it?
    • What does the bomb look like?
    • Why was the bomb placed on campus?
    • Who, if anyone, is claiming responsibility?

You can expect first responders to:

  • Direct evacuation as necessary.
  • Clear a 500-foot perimeter.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • Secure access to campus.
  • Notify campus when the “all clear” has been given.

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Hostage Situation

As a witness, you should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • Remain on scene to provide information to security and/or authorities.
  • Provide as much detail as possible, including descriptions of who, what, when, and where.

As a hostage, you should be prepared to:

  • Remain calm and alert.
  • Avoid unnecessary risk of personal injury or death, attempting escape only if it does not further endanger your life.
  • Do not resist, allowing law enforcement to lead and respond.
  • Comply with instructions from abductors and police.
  • Avoid engaging abductor in conversation.
  • Do not maintain eye contact with abductor.
  • Maintain mental picture of perpetrators, events, movements, etc.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Direct evacuation as necessary.
  • Clear a perimeter and secure access to hostage area.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.
  • Assist and remove hostages from danger when possible.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Avoid confrontation with abductors.
  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • Secure access to campus, as necessary.

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Death on Campus

You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • If first on scene, remember—don’t touch anything.
  • Remain on scene to provide information to security and/or authorities.
  • Continue normal routine, avoiding incident perimeter.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Create a perimeter.
  • Gather information from all persons present and any persons connected to the deceased.
  • Resist releasing details to others, leaving authorities and the University’s communications team to disseminate information to others as needed.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Contact and support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders and ensuring the scene remains unaltered before the arrival of law enforcement.
  • In the event of an apparent suicide, removing a body from a hanging device is also considered altering the scene and to be avoided.

You can expect the University to:

  • Handle all notifications to next of kin.
  • Coordinate with University’s chaplain, counseling services, and administration regarding funeral arrangements and subsequent public notifications.
  • Coordinate with other personnel to provide clean-up and make repairs to damaged areas and/or buildings.

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You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • Provide detailed and accurate information about the location of affected areas.
  • Evacuate the area and direct others to evacuate, providing assistance to others when possible and remembering that elevators may be disabled.
  • Leave by nearest marked EXIT route.
  • Avoid smoke by staying low to the ground.
  • Utilize hand‐held extinguishers, as far as possible without endangering your life further.
  • In the event fire becomes uncontrollable, isolate area by closing doors and windows, but do not lock them.
  • If trapped in room with window access, alert Fire/Rescue by waving a cloth (any fabric available) outside the window.
  • Remain a 500-foot distance from affected areas until Campus Security gives the “all clear” to re-enter buildings.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Direct immediate evacuation.
  • Assist victims and remove from incident areas.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.
  • Clear fire lanes and building access, maintaining a 500-foot perimeter.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • Secure access to campus as necessary.
  • Notify campus when the “all clear” has been given by authorities.
  • Alert other personnel to make emergency repairs to damaged equipment and/or buildings.

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Hazardous Material

You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • Provide detailed and accurate information about the location of affected areas.
  • Evacuate the area and direct others to evacuate, providing assistance to others when possible and remembering that elevators may be disabled.
  • Leave by nearest marked EXIT route.
  • Avoid material contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.
  • Shut windows and doors to stop spread of fumes.
  • Remain a 500-foot distance from affected areas until Campus Security gives the “all clear” to re-enter buildings.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Direct immediate evacuation.
  • Assist victims and remove from incident areas.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.
  • Clear fire lanes and building access, maintaining a 500-foot perimeter.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • Coordinate campus inspections to ensure compliance with evacuation order.
  • Secure access to campus as necessary.
  • Determine nature and source of spill/leak.
  • Notify campus when the “all clear” has been given by authorities.
  • Alert other personnel to make emergency repairs to damaged equipment and/or buildings.

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Weather Emergency

For example, a hurricane, tornado, tropical storm, or severe thunderstorm.

Remember, the difference between a tornado watch and a warning is:

  • Authorities are watching severe weather conditions for possible funnels.
  • A tornado has been sighted and authorities are warning you to take necessary precautions.

More information about weather emergencies and hurricane preparedness is available here.

You should be prepared to:

  • Seek shelter indoors, preferably an interior hallway or lower floor.
  • Avoid seeking shelter in the gymnasium.
  • Avoid windows and doors, taking shelter under heavy furniture, if available.
  • If outdoors, find shelter in a ditch or depression.
  • Report any injuries, damage, and/or flooding to Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Monitor NOAA Weather Radio on 24‐Hour basis.
  • Provide notifications and activating alerts for approaching severe weather.
  • Patrol campus, urging everyone to stay indoors.
  • Coordinating with other personnel to:
    • Recall staff working in exposed areas across campus.
    • Secure loose gear, inspect and secure buildings.
    • Inspect campus after storm to assess damage.

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Medical Emergency

Minor Injury/Illness

You should be prepared to do the following in the event of minor injury or illness:

  • Alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • Provide detailed and accurate information about the location of victim(s).

Serious Injury/Illness

You should be prepared to do the following in the event of serious injury or illness:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • Provide as much detail as possible, including your name, the exact location of victim, and the nature of illness/injury.


You should be prepared to do the following in the event of someone choking:

  • Loudly direct someone to call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • From behind, wrap arms around victim’s waist.
  • Make fist, placing thumb side against upper abdomen.
  • Grasp fist with other hand, press into victim’s upper abdomen with quick upward thrust.
  • Do not squeeze ribcage, upward force comes from hand, repeat until object is expelled.
  • Provide as much detail as possible, including your name.

Substance Overdose

You should be prepared to do the following in the event of a substance overdose:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • Provide as much detail as possible, including your name, the exact location of victim, and the nature of illness/injury.
  • If victim is conscious, ask the following questions:
    • What type of drug or alcoholic beverage was ingested?
    • How much was ingested, when, and for how long?
  • Do not induce vomiting.
  • Do not provide food or drink, including water.
  • Locate and retain any container that might have held the substance ingested.

Mental Health-Related Crisis

You should be prepared to do the following in the event of a mental health-related crisis:

  • Remain calm, stay with him/her, and enlist assistance, if possible.
  • Alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585, the Student Counseling Center at (904) 256-7180, and/or Residence Life staff.
  • Provide as much detail as possible, including your name and the exact location of victim.

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Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with these steps and being prepared for an emergency.