Child Development Courses Continuing Education & Upskilling Courses

En este curso en línea, mejorarás tus conocimientos de inglés y aprenderás valiosas habilidades profesionales en la carrera de Asociado en Desarrollo Infantil (CDA, por sus siglas en inglés).

Learn the principles of child growth and development from birth through age five and how they align with the eight Child Development Associate® (CDA) competencies and National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) professional standards.

Learn the principles of child growth and development from birth through age five and how they align with the eight Child Development Associate® (CDA) competencies and National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) professional standards. The Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Associate Certification Training course will prepare you to take the Microsoft Office Specialist certification exams for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

While the college-going experience may evolve, it is not going away. In this online course, you will prepare for a vital role where you support students' post-secondary aspirations as we also explore how critical your role is to the evolution of our communities.

Learn how to create engaging, easy-to-maintain classroom center activities that boost independent learning while increasing small-group instruction time.

In this professional development course for teachers, you'll get the training you need to reach the diverse mix of students you face every day by learning proven strategies that turn diversity into opportunity.

Improve your ability to teach diverse learners with real-world examples from elementary, middle, and high school classrooms.

Learn effective strategies for differentiating assessments and empowering every student in your class to feel success. This course explores strategies and real-life examples of how differentiated assessment provides direction for improvement, promotes confidence, and motivates your learners to do their best.

Teachers are heroes who work tirelessly to pour into the lives of children every day. This professional development series is designed to help make teaching a little easier by providing you with the tools to handle problems that may arise in the classroom. You will learn the secrets to solving everyday classroom discipline problems so that you can enjoy a more peaceful, orderly classroom, as well as how to handle more serious and chronic discipline with a six-step approach. You will also learn practical ways to help children with ADHD control their behavior and succeed in school.

Explore common disabilities you will encounter in the classroom and master techniques for promoting academic, behavioral, and social skills in students with special needs.

Help your children become proficient speakers and thinkers. This course provides ways to stimulate your child's continued speech, brain, and language development in enjoyable, age-appropriate, and natural ways.

Discover how to homeschool your children in a way that ensures they get what they need both academically and socially. This course offers a lot of information and guidance to plot your homeschooling course for years to come.

Learn the step-by-step approach to an orderly classroom in this course designed by a veteran teacher.

In this professional development course, you'll get the teacher training you need to deal effectively with serious discipline problems and help even the most challenging students you're teaching make more responsible choices.

Learn the keys to success from an experienced educator so you can thrive as a classroom teacher. This course is designed to help teachers build motivational classrooms, reach diverse learners, write engaging lesson plans, communicate clearly, and keep stress at bay.

Train to become a paraprofessional educator. This course will prepare you for the ETS ParaPro Assessment, a Praxis exam needed to work as a teacher's aide.

Learn powerful techniques for reaching and motivating adult learners in today's student-centered classroom.

Learn the latest teaching strategies and techniques for helping secondary students achieve their dreams. This course will teach you how to differentiate instruction, manage a classroom, develop assessment strategies, gain parental support, and teach social-emotional skills that will help your students succeed in school and in life.

In this course on teaching preschoolers, you will learn how to come up with creative and balanced preschool lesson plans for every month of the school year.

Learn practical strategies for helping children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) succeed in school.

Help your students with high-functioning autism and Asperger's Syndrome unlock their potential in the classroom.

Learn how to successfully meet the diverse needs of students with learning disabilities in your classroom.

Learn how to nurture student writers in the early elementary classroom.

Enrich your teaching talents and encourage your students' creative thinking as you learn to turn your classroom into a creative classroom.

Learn how to combine two powerful educational approaches so you can enable every student in your classroom to succeed. This course shows you how to use Differentiated Instruction and Response to Intervention in your day-to-day classroom teaching and lesson planning.

Uncover the secrets of the adolescent mind. This course helps you gain valuable information on how adolescents feel, how their identities develop, and how you can best meet their needs.

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