Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Academic Advising
I am a new student. How do I connect with my advisor and when do I do so?
Incoming freshmen will be required to submit a seat deposit and complete an Academic Preferences Questionnaire (APQ). Upon receipt of the APQ, the registrar will develop a preliminary class schedule for you. You will then be invited to with an academic advisor. During your first advising appointment, you will review your schedule, make necessary adjustments, engage in academic planning, and address any questions you may have.
Transfer students, upon submitting a seat deposit, will be invited to with an advisor. Please make sure to submit all your official transcripts prior to meeting with an advisor.
Who is my advisor?
Freshmen, sophomores, pre-nursing, and first-semester transfer students are assigned an advisor in the Academic Advising Center. Locate your advisor here.
Juniors and seniors are assigned a faculty advisor. How to identify your faculty advisor.
I am a new student. How do I activate my email account?
To activate your email account, send an email to Your email will be your username followed by Please note that faculty and staff have emails ending in, but students use
I forgot my password for MyJU. How do I find it?
You can reset your password. Get help resetting your password.
How many credits should I take each semester?
This is an individual decision that should be made in consultation with an academic advisor. Consider the following when deciding how many credits to take:
- Full-time enrollment is 12 credits or more. Full-time enrollment is required for financial aid and insurance purposes. Check with your financial aid counselor or insurance provider to learn more.
- An average of 15 credits per fall and spring semester for 4 years will help students reach the required 120 credits for degree completion.
- Tuition is a “flat fee” for between 12-18 credits. Students who wish to enroll in more than 18 credits will need to seek permission and will be charged additional tuition.
I want to complete my degree in 4-years. What’s the best way to do this?
- Develop an academic plan in consultation with an academic advisor
- Enroll in an average of 15 credits per fall and spring semester
- Plan out course sequences and identify courses with pre-requisites
- Earn minimum required grades in major courses. See academic catalog and four-year plans for more information.
I want to register, but don’t know how.
Learn how to register using Self-Service.
I want to change my major (or add/remove a second major or minor). How do I do this?
Students who want to add or change majors and/or minors should complete an Academic Change Request Form. This form can be found by going to MyJU – Eforms – Academic Change Request Form.
Can I take courses at other institutions once I begin JU?
Yes. While we encourage JU students to continue their studies at JU, there may be times when you find it necessary to take a course at another school. You will need to make a formal request and submit course descriptions. Go to MyJU – Eforms – Application to Study at Another Institution to submit the request. Please note that you must earn a minimum of 30 credits at JU.
Do I need to meet with an advisor each semester in order to register?
No. Only first semester students are required to meet with an academic advisor to develop and finalize their initial course schedule. You will learn how to locate and use academic planning and registration tools so that you will be able to register on your own in future semesters. If you would like assistance in identifying required courses or would like to engage in academic planning, you are encouraged to meet with your advisor.
I am planning to pursue graduate studies in law or healthcare. Should I tell my advisor?
Yes. We will adjust your record to identify you as a student with specific professional goals. That will help us best advise you into courses that will prepare you to apply for those graduate programs.