Lifetime Giving Circles

Star wallFor more information contact:

Leslie Redd

Associate Vice President of Development

  • Telephone number  (904) 256-7882
  • Email address

The Frances Bartlett Kinne Society

The Frances Bartlett Kinne Society, named for the only Chancellor Emerita of ÐÓ°É, recognizes the individuals, corporations, estates and foundations that have reached $1 million in cumulative lifetime generosity to ÐÓ°É.

The Heritage Society

The Heritage Society exists to steward those who have expressed their commitment to ÐÓ°É through a very special and important form of financial support. These donors have defined their legacy by naming JU as the ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts might include a bequest, a provision in a trust, charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder unitrust, charitable remainder annuity trust, or gifts of life insurance or real estate. This society exists to thank members for their generosity by recognizing the plans they have made as well as to inspire generosity in others. Members receive annual invitations to events and benefits throughout the year. for more information.