The 3rd Global Conference of University Researchers
Building Bridges among Researchers, Artists, Policymakers and Scientists on Hispanic Issues
New York, August 19, 20, 21, 2020
St. John’s University, Queens Campus, The New York Public Library
This is an on-line event
Sigma Delta Pi
The National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, FIDAL Foundation for the Integration and Development of Latin America Coordinated by: biCoa Iberoamerican Research Team
Deadline for abstracts is July 15, 2019
Current accepted papers are in Arabic, English, French, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
All languages, including indigenous languages, are requested.
In collaboration with:
St. John’s University, Adelphi University, Hofstra University
The United Nations, the New York Public Library, Cervantes Institute, and FIDAL Foundation for the Integration and Development of Latin America
Session No. 2 Moderator: Benita Sampedro Vizcaya
1:30-1:45 p.m. Las guerras culturales del poder hegemónico en América Latina
Jorge Majfud
Professor of Spanish, Latin American Literature & International Studies, Division of Humanities, Arts and Sciences, Ӱ
1:45-2:05 p.m. I Can´t Breathe
Eduardo R. Subirats
Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, New York University
2:05-2:20 p.m. Cervantes, Loyola y la construcción de bibliotecas tempranas en un periquete
Álvaro Enrigue
Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, Hofstra University
2:20-2:35 p.m. Los retos de la democracia en Ibeoramérica. De la democracia radical a la democracia agonística: Avances y retrocesos
Walter Federico Gadea Aiello
Director de filosofía, Departamento de Didácticas Integradas de la Facultad de Educación Didácticas y Ciencias del Deporte Universidad de Huelva, España
2:35-2:50 a.m. ¿Adónde ha migrado la humanidad? Una peregrinación entre lo animal y lo humano en “Paseador de perros”, por Sergio Galarza
Wesley Costa de Moraes
Assistant Professor of Spanish, Coordinator of the Study Abroad Program in Peru and Ecuador, Coordinator of the LACS Latin American and Caribbean Studies Minor, SUNY, Geneseo - Department of Languages and Literatures
Inés Mónica Sarmiento-Archer, Ph.D
Coordinator of The 3rd World Conference on University Researchers
Artist and Director of bi/Coa Project
Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Academic Publications