The JU 2017-2022 Strategic Plan
March 10, 2017
To our Ӱ Community,
Premier universities strive for excellence in every aspect of their operations, every day. It is not easily attained and demands a comprehensive strategy that leverages and aligns all our resources. Effective strategy revolves around recognizing what you do well, who you want to become, and how best to get there.
In 2015, we undertook a complete review of the existing strategic plans and determined they did not provide the clarity and direction to reach our aspirational goals. We charged Terri Davlantes and David Healy to lead a planning effort to help us achieve excellence. They formed a steering committee that dedicated itself to formulating a comprehensive plan to focus our work and clarify our vision. The Steering Committee of Dr. Marie Bougnol-Potter, Dr. Don Capener, Dr. Lee Ann Clements, Margaret Dees, David Dobson, Diana Donovan, Allana Forte, Dr. Mary Gipson, Dr. Kristie Gover, Bill Hill, Dr. Donnie Horner, Dr. Sherri Jackson, Kimberly Jones, Dr. Michael Justiss, Dr. Annmarie Kent-Willette, Dr. Scott Kimbrough, Rick Mullaney, Dr. Henry Rinne, Dr. Chris Sapienza, Dr. Quint White, and Dr. Betty Winstead has done tremendous work in service to our University. They have laid a solid foundation for Ӱ, and we thank them for their efforts.
The purpose of the Ӱ 2017-2022 Strategic Plan is to create a premier institution and enable the University to develop graduates who are “Life Ready, Work Ready, World Ready.” The Committee has developed an overarching goal for JU to become a leading mid-sized, comprehensive, private, liberal arts and sciences university in the Southeast, seeking to increasingly diversify its global student geographic base and refine our national and international market focus.
The Strategic Plan was completed and presented to me in January 2017. After reviewing and consulting with planning team members, I am endorsing this Plan and its direction. Now, it is time to move forward with integration and implementation.
To assist in making this plan truly operational, Valeria Gonzalez-Kerr, Director of Strategic Initiatives, will meet soon with each of the following: Margaret Dees, Mike Fleming, Kristie Gover, David Healy and Donnie Horner. In turn, each of those executives will work with their respective areas to review each goal, strategy, tactic and key performance indicator to determine how best to maximize their operations. Valeria will conduct regular reviews to ensure we remain on track with our plan. While our students, faculty, and staff have had multiple opportunities to provide input to the Steering Committee and through town halls, we welcome your further input at
Staying on the course of a well-constructed Strategic Plan, while allowing space for creativity and innovation, is a long-term commitment and requires discipline and alignment. This Plan represents the vision and culture we are cultivating at Ӱ to ensure all elements of the University move in a more connected, coordinated way.
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to working with each of you to substantially improve Ӱ and produce graduates who are Life Ready, Work Ready, World Ready.
Tim Cost
Class of 1981