Announcing the Celebration of Service Awards and Center for Community Relations

February 11, 2016

Greetings JU Students, Faculty, Staff and Alumni,

It is truly remarkable to create - with you - the progress our institution is experiencing in so many areas. From enhanced academic opportunities, greater faculty recognition, broader collaboration, the new facilities, and athletic achievement, our campus community is undergoing a transformation because of your commitment to excellence. While each of these initiatives strengthens our University, we strongly believe that we have a responsibility to give back to our community through an investment of time and resources.

Ӱ has a tradition of community service. In the 2014-15 academic year, members of our campus community performed more than 26,000 hours of community service with an economic impact of more than $600,000. In addition, the University provided $150,000 in direct support to non-profit organizations, and our students, faculty, staff and alumni individually provided additional, significant charitable donations. I’m proud to inform you that this commitment to service led to our University’s first-ever selection as a 904 Magazine “Companies with Heart” awardee for 2016. This is a tremendous accomplishment for the University and recognizes your community stewardship; congratulations!

As our University continues to innovate and transform communities through service, our goals are clear: to provide greater community support, create additional volunteer opportunities for the University family, and recognize the excellence of those giving back to the community. To achieve these goals, we are establishing today the Jacksonville University Center for Community Relations (CCR), Celebration of Service Awards Program, and Celebration of Service Awards Luncheon on April 13, 2016, during Charter Week festivities.

As outlined below, these initiatives will further enhance our community service commitment and provide better support to those in the University family who volunteer.

The Center for Community Relations

The Center for Community Relations (CCR) was created to serve as the lead for the University’s community outreach by connecting our University and the community through service. It is dedicated to working with students, staff, faculty, alumni and community partners to make a meaningful impact in Jacksonville and other areas while helping all Dolphins learn to serve, and serve to learn. For our students, faculty, staff and alumni, this website will provide information on volunteer opportunities, community partners, on-campus events such as Charter Day and MLK Day, civic engagement, award opportunities, and other information. For our community partners, it will provide an understanding of the Ӱ commitment to service, access to the University community to publicize volunteer opportunities, information on ways organizations can be involved, and much more.

The Center for Community Relations website will be live at by Feb. 22. Any questions regarding community engagement can be directed to the new Community Affairs campus email, I encourage each of you to visit this site upon its publication and continue to immerse yourselves in the transformative experience of service.

Celebration of Service Awards Program

The Celebration of Service Awards Program has been established to recognize the outstanding service contributions and achievements of our students, faculty, staff, student organizations, campus groups, alumni and community members. As outlined below, our Awards Program incorporates the President’s Volunteer Service Award and Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne Award for Excellence in Community Stewardship to honor the service of the University family and community leaders.

President’s Volunteer Service Award

This award of the President of the United States rewards individual and group accomplishments in volunteering their time to make our world a better place. It is based on accrued volunteer hours in a given year and has Bronze, Silver and Gold levels for both individuals and groups. Many in our Dolphin family will be eligible for this award as the Bronze level for individuals requires 100 volunteer hours in a year, and the Bronze level for groups requires 200 volunteer hours in a year. Our institution’s Community Relations office has developed an application form for interested individuals that is available as an attachment to this email or on the Center for Community Relations website.

Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne Award for Excellence in Community Stewardship

This award has been created to honor outstanding civic leaders who have provided superior service to the community and Ӱ. Dr. Kinne, former President of Ӱ (the first female President in the state of Florida) and current Chancellor Emerita, has lived a life dedicated to serving both our campus community and our world. Her passion for giving, kindness and making an impact embody the spirit of this award. The distinguished recipients for this award will be determined by a committee appointed by the University President.

Those individuals receiving the President’s Volunteer Award and Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne Award for Excellence in Community Stewardship will be honored at a Celebration of Service Awards Luncheon on April 13, 2016, during Charter Week festivities. To receive the President’s Volunteer Award during this luncheon, you must make application to the Community Relations office by March 20, 2016. I highly encourage each of you who qualify to apply for these awards and allow us to celebrate your tremendous accomplishments in the realm of service.

Establishment of the Center for Community Relations and Celebration of Service Awards Program exemplify the progress we are making in engaging our campus with the community of Jacksonville. Your service is reflective of everything our University stands for, and I look forward to seeing our community outreach grow in the years to come.


Tim Cost
Class of 1981