research 2010-2014

Class of 2014 

Director of Research - Dipak Chudasama, DDS

Mohammed Alali, BDS
Anterior Open Bite Malocclusion in African-Americans: Analysis of the Underlying Components (Skeletal vs Dental)

Rawia Alkhunaizi, BDS, MSD
Effect of incisor position on the soft tissue profile

Faiza Alotibi, BDS
Variables that Predict Patients' Satisfaction after Orthodontic Treatment, Process and Outcome

Nicholas D. Andros, DDS
Ceramic Bracket Debonding with a Diode Laser: Efficacy and Safety

Trang Cao, DMD
Comparison of complexity between Black and White Americans with Class I Malocclusion using ABODI in and orthodontic institution

Thomas Dunn, DDS
Lower Lingual Holding Arch and Extractions in Orthodontics

Scott Endrizzi, DMD
How well do potential patients and orthodontic residents agree on what content is most important to present on an orthodontic website?

Robertzon Guloy, DMD
Does patient's motivation influence the compliance during orthodontic treatment?

Louie Haidar, DDS
Discontinuation of orthodontic treatment at ÐÓ°É: a study of the contributing factors

Francisco M. Herrero-Nater, DMD
Restoring Peg-Shaped Laterals: Evaluation of  Esthetics on Different Treatment Approaches

Bradley Kuper-Smith, DMD
Cephalometric Tracing Variation amongst Orthodontic Residents

Hidayat Nagori, BDS, MPA
Maxillary Advancement surgery and Nasolabial soft tissue changes

Obiajulu Onuora, DDS
Failure Rates of Mini-Screws (TADS) in a Residency Setting

Courtney Rubin, DMD
Does Orthodontic Treatment Improve Quality of Life

Ahmad Swidi, BDS
Inter-rater space analysis variability comparing first and second year orthodontic students

Class of 2013

Director of Research - Peter Vig, BDS, PhD

Nasibah Alharbi, DMD
Factors affecting recruitment and retention of educators in North American orthodontic programs

Khulood Al-Ibrahim, BDS
Different Aspects of Orthodontics in Saudi Arabia

Dareen Aljehani, DDS
The relation between treatment duration and complexity with respect of ABODI component and score

Ahoud Altamimi, DDS
Which Measurements Are Most Accurate for Diagnosis A-P Discrepancy?

Nebras Althagafi, BDS
Effect of Fluoride on NiTi Orthodontic Wires

Rawah Eshky, DDS
Consistency of measuring craniofacial characteristics using different imaging softwares

Christopher Feldman, DDS
The Rate of Bracket Bonding Failure at JU School of Orthodontics

Carlos Fernandez-Feo, DDS
Essix Retainer: An Optional Transverse Dimension Retention Appliance for Stability After Posterior X-Biten Correction

Robin Harrison, DDS
Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets with Different Priming Agents

Narmin Helal, BDS
Significance of Cephalometric Radiograph in Orthodontic Treatment Plan Decision

Anwar Jabour, DDS
Relationship B/W Occlusal Plane Inclination and Wits Appraisal Reading

Bryan Lockhart, DDS
The Effect of Shear Bond Strength of Rebonded Brackets Without the Removal of Adhesives

Shokofeh Motlagh, DMD
Bisphosphonates and Their Effects on Orthodontic Treatment: A Systemic Review

Jason Ouellette, DDS
Design and test the possibility of using Magnets and Temporary Anchorage Devices to create a force for maxillary posterior intrusion

Timothy Poyadou, DDS
Comparison of measurements made between orthocad & plaster models on severely crowded dental arches

Class of 2012

Director of Research - Peter Vig, BDS, PhD

Azita Abbasi, DDS
Space considerations due to flattening the curve of Spee

Junaid Afridi, DDS, MS
Patient Beliefs Regarding Invisalign Treatment

Osama Basri, DDS
The Perceived Value of Required Research in North American Orthodontic Postdoctoral Training

Andy Baxter, DDS
The Adaptation of Upper Lip Types to Maxillary Incisor Advancement

Chris Cetta, DMD
Cephalometric Analysis as an Aid to Orthodontic Diagnosis & Treatment Planning -  A Systematic Review

Ahmad Charkas, DDS
Effect of Blue Laser on the Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets

Scott Cureton, DDS
The Effect of the Dental School Process on Student's Post Graduate Aspiration

Jude Fairchild, DDS
Do Skeletal or soft tissue morphologic variables have any relationship to presence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) in patients diagnosed with OSAS?

Ben Fishbein, DDS
Nasal Soft Tissue Changes Associated with Rapid Maxillary Expansion Measured Using Three Dimensional Imaging

Pawan Gautam, MDS
Soft Tissue Response to Incisor Retraction: A Study of Predictor Variables

Michelle Katz, DDS
A Comparison of Laypersons and Orthodontists Perception of Smile Esthetics: A Focus on Gummy Smiles

Eliza Lindquist, DDS
Evaluation of The Cost Efficiency Of Four Premolar Extraction Versus Non-Extraction Orthodontic Treatment And Factors Associated With Extended Treatment Duration

Helmy Mostafa, DScD
Smile Esthetic Preferences In Different Ethnicities

Carolyne Thain, DMD
Utility of The Pre-Treatment Anterior Bolton Ratio To Predict Residual Overjet In Lower Incisor Extraction Cases

Natalia Valderrama, DDS
Cost-Effectiveness In Orthodontic Treatment at ÐÓ°É

Class of 2011

Director of Research - Peter Vig, BDS, PhD

Ruben Alcazar, DDS
Orthodontists' Perception of Orthodontic Gnathology Concepts

Keith Alexander, DDS
Long term changes of Anterior Facial Height Change after Mandibular Symphyseal Distraction Osteogenesis

Lisa Beznoska-Davison, DDS
Contemporary approaches to orthodontic treatment of patients with moderate skeletal discrepancies

Zulma R. Castaneda-Medina, DMD
Orthodontic Resident's Preparation and Study Habits for the American Board of Orthodontic's Written Examination

Lawrence J. Friedman, DDS
Factors Affecting Case Acceptance of Orthodontic Treatment by Patients/Parents

Jared Funt, DDS
Smallest detectable changes in alar base width: A survey of the orthodontist and layperson

Ulises Guzman, DDS
Comparison Of Shear Bond Strength of Pre-Coated Versus Conventional Bonded Orthodontic Brackets: An ISO Standard In-Vitro Study

Rishi Kothari, DDS
Summary of statistics in four major orthodontic journal articles published in 2009

Marlon Moldez, DMD
Relationship of Maxillary Retromolar space and dentofacial morphology

Nona Naghavi, DDS
The effect of patient ethnicity on orthodontists' perception of profile

Lyna Naseri, DMD
Bolton analysis and dental measurements comparing digital models to CBCT imaging

Sheetal Patil, BDS
Polymorphism of MTHFR 677 gene and isolated cleft palate in Indian population

Kamilah Sanford, DDS
Case Selection Criteria for Invisalign Treatment at ÐÓ°É School of Orthodontics

Erin G. Sherrill, DMD
Orthodontic tooth movement in us dental schools: how much exposure do students receive?

Erin Smith, DDS
ARS vs Lower incisor extraction: A general dentist's view

Sarah J. Thompson
Factors Affecting Residents' Selection of an Orthodontic Program

Class of 2010

Director of Research - Dipak Chudasama, DDS

Ahmad Abdelkarim, DDS, MS
A Cone Beam CT Evaluation of Oropharyngeal Airway Space and its Relationship to Mandibular Position and Craniofacial Morphology

Doraida Abramowitz, DMD
The Effect of Fluoride on the Mechanical Properties of TMA Wires

Anthony Antoniazzi, DDS
Do Our Patients Understand the Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment?

Kurtis C. Bray, DMD
A Randomized Clinical Trial Assessing Alignment Efficiency of Mandibular Anterior Crowding: Damon-3MX versus In-Ovation R

Jefferson R. Gamblin, DMD
Perception of Smile Arc in the Presence of Incisal Wear

Craig Hadgis, DDS
Force Consistency and Reliability of Tying Elastic Thread

Amer Hussain, DDS
Does IPR Represent an Efficient and Safe Way to Reduce Dentoalveolar Discrepancy in Orthodontic Patients? A Systematic Review

Patrick G. Jones, DDS
An In Vitro Study of the Physical Properties of Retrieved Nickel Titanium Archwires

Beau R. Myers, DDS
Analysis of Retainer Appointments at ÐÓ°É School of Orthodontics

Sharon Nguyen, DMD
Actual Versus Estimated Orthodontic Treatment Times and Factors Associated With Extended Treatment Duration

Thuy Nguyen, DDS
Force Decay of Elastic Thread

Hilda Oweisy, DMD
Conventional Ligation and Self-Ligation: A Comparison of Mandibular Arch Changes Between the Two Ligation Methods

Dara Rinchuse, DMD
Modification of Angle’s Classification

Chandy Samuel, DDS
The Anterior Alveolus: It’s Limitations on Orthodontic Treatment Measured by CBCT