Ӱ statement on the passing of David Stein | Ӱ in Jacksonville, Fla.


Ӱ statement on the passing of David Stein

July 29, 2024

David and Linda with students

With heavy hearts and deep appreciation, we remember David Stein, a devoted philanthropist and cherished member of the Ӱ family. David and his wife, Linda Stein, have been unwavering supporters of our University and the broader Jacksonville community, embodying a spirit of generosity and dedication that has touched countless lives.

David and Linda Stein's commitment to education and community service is epitomized by their pioneering Stein Scholars program, established over two decades ago at Jacksonville University and UNF. Through this program, the Steins have mentored and supported students for more than 25 years, instilling in them a passion for community engagement and service. The "Steiners" have built HabiJax houses, volunteered at the Jacksonville Humane Society, and engaged in various community-focused projects, all under the loving guidance of "Mama and Papa Stein."

“David was an absolute original. One of a kind. Along with his extraordinary wife Linda, they did so much for this community, and for our university and education broadly, he will be remembered forever here,” said Tim Cost, President of Ӱ. “A businessman/philanthropist, he really loved life, and he thought we all should give plenty and serve often. We will miss him terribly.“

David's legacy of giving and mentorship has inspired a generation of leaders, scholars, and community advocates. As Jenna Edwards, a Stein Scholar and 2022 JU graduate, reflected, "The biggest thing that impacted me with [the Steins] was their drive to give back to Jacksonville. Everything we did was to educate us on how we can help our community thrive."

“David Stein left this community, and our university, a better place than he found them,” said Dr. Timothy Snyder, Dean of the Linda Berry Stein College of Fine Arts & Humanities at Ӱ. “David wore his values on his sleeve—his love of life, of a good laugh, of learning, of his hometown and its people. With his beloved Linda Stein, David put good fortune to work in making others' lives better. For that extraordinary legacy, we give thanks.”

David will be remembered as a genuine and kind community leader whose impact on Northeast Florida is immeasurable. His warmth, wisdom, and dedication have left an indelible mark on our University and community. Our hearts go out to Linda and the entire Stein family as they honor David's extraordinary life and enduring legacy.

Ӱ will continue to uphold the values David Stein championed, ensuring his spirit of generosity and community service lives on in the hearts of our students and the greater Jacksonville community.

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