CEO Magazine ranks JU Davis College MBA in Tier One of Global MBA rankings | Ӱ in Jacksonville, Fla.


CEO Magazine ranks JU Davis College MBA in Tier One of Global MBA rankings

March 28, 2024

has ranked Ӱ’s Davis College of Business & Technology Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in Tier One of its 2024 Global MBA Rankings.

Davis College of Business ranked No. 30 in the Tier One rankings, which is the publication’s highest-ranking category for MBA programs.

“We’re proud to see our MBA program recognized as one of the top programs in the world,” said Dr. Barbara Ritter, dean of the Davis College of Business & Technology. “This achievement is a testament to the quality of students, faculty and staff at Jacksonville University.”

CEO Magazine uses a ranking system entirely geared and weighted to fact-based criteria, aiming to provide potential students with a performance Global MBA Rankings logobenchmark for those schools under review. This year the publication ranked 130 schools, offering 284 different programs in 24 countries.

In determining rankings, CEO Magazine gave the most weight to the quality of faculty, followed by international diversity, class size, accreditation, faculty to student ratio, price, international exposure, work experience and professional development, amongst others. 

“We’re proud of the contributions of our faculty in enriching the quality of the educational experience for students. You will be hard pressed to find a faculty more committed to student success than in the Davis College of Business,” Ritter said.

Davis College’s MBA program is AACSB accredited, a distinction given to the top business schools in the world. The program is designed in eight-week long course modules that allow students to move at their own pace. Students can also take classes in any format that they want, including online, part-time or full-time. 

Students can customize their degree experience with MBA concentrations available in accounting and finance, cybersecurity, healthcare management, financial technology, business analytics, management and portfolio management. For more information about the MBA Program, click here

For the full rankings visit .

CEO Magazine’s showcasing of top business schools from around the globe first launched in 2008. The publication launched its annual Global MBA Rankings in 2012, profiling MBA, Executive MBA and online MBA programs.

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