Past TedX speakers offer lectures on campus packed with intriguing, challenging messages | Ӱ in Jacksonville, Fla.


Past TedX speakers offer lectures on campus packed with intriguing, challenging messages

October 02, 2019

In Ӱ’s effort to give back to its community, the University has partnered with  to present innovative and challenging ideas 60 minutes at a time. 

Past TEDx speakers focus on providing well-formed, thought-provoking ideas in presentations from 4-5 p.m. every Monday in Gooding Auditorium. Talks are free, open to the public and followed by discussion.

“The lectures increase the involvement in Jacksonville and showcase that we know what’s going on in the local, national and international community,” says Professor of English, Honors, and University Scholars advisor Janet Haavisto, who co-hosts the speakers with Associate Professor of Mathematics and Honors Faculty Advisor and Technology Specialist Daniel Moseley. Professor Haavisto has organized the project since 2018.

The past TEDxJacksonville speakers provide University Scholars with for-credit, professional development aimed at helping them become more multifaceted individuals, she said. Prior to the weekly TEDx lectures, University Scholars view the speaker’s TEDx presentation on YouTube and prepare discussion questions.

Future topics include discussions of political involvement, young women’s rights, mental health, hunger, arts leadership and teaching engineering to kindergartners.

Previous topics ranged from leadership courses for at-risk youth to our love affair with guns to recognition of intersexuality as a gender alternative.

“Professor Moseley and I teach students how to take advantage of opportunities that exist on the JU campus,” said Haavisto. “This year we have it down pat and want to get the word out on and off campus so that those who are not in the University Scholars program can also participate in these discussions.”

Future presentations include:

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