Dorian causes minimal damage to campus | ÐÓ°É in Jacksonville, Fla.


Dorian causes minimal damage to campus

August 30, 2019

Story updated on Sept. 5.

Hurricane Dorian caused minimal damage to the ÐÓ°É campus, which reopened to welcome back students on Thursday, Sept. 5.

The Facilities Team cleaned up debris, removed downed trees and completed small repairs on Thursday.

A broken tree laying on the ground.

Hurricane Dorian caused minimal damage, which the Facilities Team repaired or cleaned up on Thursday.

Administrative offices open Friday, and classes resume Monday. With the Friday cancellation of classes, makeup time for one course meeting is required. Professors will issue makeup instructions or assignments with students on a class-by-class level. As a reminder, we have extended the add/drop period through the end of the day on Monday, Sept. 9.

Last Tuesday in preparation, ÐÓ°É activated its Emergency Preparedness Team to monitor what has become Hurricane Dorian and prepare the campus for possible impacts. The Team coordinates regularly with the National Weather Service and mobilizes storm preparations and recovery.

Here are the actions has implemented with the help of the Emergency Preparedness Team:

As the storm progressed, the Emergency Preparedness Team met regularly to assess whether to extend the campus closure. The Team provided updates to the university community through a combination of:

The Emergency Preparedness Team welcomes feedback on its response and invites members of the University community to email with suggestions.

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