12 Move-in Tips for Future Phins | ÐÓ°É in Jacksonville, Fla.


12 Move-in Tips for Future Phins

August 07, 2019

Almost three years ago, I moved to ÐÓ°É’s campus for the first time. I remember it so vividly.

My mom and I pulled up to North Hall where a crowd of eager students waited to help unload my stuff. In a flash, it was time to unpack and decorate my new space. It was such an exciting, bittersweet time, and there are a few things I wish I’d known before the big day.

These 12 tips are based on my experience. Take it from me, this list is a sure-fire way to make move-in day at JU a breeze.

Two girls hanging out in their dorm together

Connect with Your Roommate

Talk to your roommate before move-in day so you’re on the same page. You both don’t necessarily need to bring a TV or a refrigerator. Splitting it up makes move-in and preparation so much easier.

Two girls laughing sitting on their dorm floor

Pack the Essentials

Make a mental note of the things you have actually used in the last three months and that is what you should bring on move-in day. I can’t tell you how many useless items I brought with me freshman year that I ended up never even using. Just remember to pack light. Anything you end up wanting can always be shipped to you.

Man struggling to carry a box indoors

Leave the Luggage at Home

Pack your things in boxes that you can later break down and recycle, and at least one duffle that you can use for trips home later. There’s no need to take up that much space with bulky suitcases.

Man walking upstairs posing for camera while holding a bundle of shirts on hangers

Pack Your Clothes on the Hanger

One of the most helpful ways I ever learned to pack clothes for move-in day, was to wrap them in trash bags while they were still on the hanger. This way, you can hang them up in your closet, and once you cut the trash bags off, your closet is full! No unpacking required.

Bring a Cooler

Bring a cooler with drinks and your favorite snacks! Move-in day can turn into a long process very easily, and you might need to take a snack break.

Two guys walking inside a building with boxes in their hands

Bring a Toolkit

You never know what you may need a screwdriver for, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you’re bringing disassembled bookshelves or any other furniture, plan ahead and bring your own tools.

Categorize Your Boxes

Categorize your boxes by where they go. One box can be for your desk, one for bathroom supplies, one for kitchenette items. This way, you can unpack each box in one place and you don’t have to sift through every box to find your favorite coffee mug.

College kids standing at the back of a truck unpacking its contents

Pack the Car the Night Before

Packing your car the night before will make a stressful move-in morning so much easier! Just leave out your move-in day outfit and the essentials, like your toothbrush, and then you’re already ready to roll!

Get There Early

Arrive early so you have more time to settle in to your space! You may get there before your roommate which means you can avoid having two people unpacking in your room at the same time.

Students waiting near a car line to unpack upcoming cars on move-in day

Set the Tone

Set the tone for the day by making a move-in day playlist with all your favorite bops. It makes the process so much more fun!

Make Your Bed First

Make your bed before you unpack anything else. Making a bed up high can be difficult, so if nothing else is unpacked, you can take the mattress down and put your mattress pads and sheets on, and toss it back up there with ease.

A student and her mom making the students bed in her dorm

Optimize Your Space

Use your space to your advantage! You don’t have to keep the furniture the way it is when you move in. Feel free to move it around however you like, and don’t forget to loft your bed. You can fit so much stuff under your bed and it makes your room feel so much bigger!

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