Faculty and Staff Directory

Dr. Maggie Foley

Dr. Maggie Foley

Associate Professor of Finance



  • PhD Texas Tech University, Finance
  • MBA Cameron University
  • BS Beijing University of Technology, Civil Engineering

Academic Experience

  • Ӱ, Associate Professor of Finance, 2017-present 
  • Ӱ, Assistant Professor of Finance, 2009-2017 
  • Texas Tech University, Research/Teaching Assistant, 2004-2009

Professional Experience

  • Bechtel Corporation Motorola MOS-17 Project. Civil Engineer and project coordinator for government related issues.
  • Motorola China Inc. Civil Engineer.

Recent Research

  • Using nested logit model in the study of proxy contest, Journal of Mathematical Finance, 2018, forthcoming, with Hu, Rossi, Cebula
  • Debt and investment: a firm level evidence, Journal of Mathematical Finance, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 1, with Peng, Cebula, Hu, DOI: 10.4236/jmf.2018.81010
  • DOES WEAK MACROECONOMIC PERFORMANCE AFFECT VOTER TURNOUT? AN ANALYSIS ACCOUNTING FOR “THE JOSHUA GENERATION EFFECT”, with cebula and Ghose, no. 1, February 2018, International Economics / Economia Internazionale
  • Women in the Boardroom and Corporate Decisions of Italian listed companies: Does the “critical mass” matter?", Management Decision, 2017, forthcoming, with Fabrizzio Rossi, and Chengru Hu.


  • Labor Shortages in the U.S. during the COVID Pandemic and Labor Supply Based on Minimizing the Effort to Achieve a Target Utility Level: Confounding Economic Policies, 2022, Journal of Financial Economic Policy.
  • Differential risk effect of inside debt, CEO compensation diversification, and firm investment, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2021, vol 56-2, 505-543 
  • Can Debt Overhang Help Explain the Declining Growth Rate of Investment in China, Applied Economics Letters, 2020, 27-2, 82-85
  • Women in the Boardroom and Corporate Decisions of Italian listed companies: Does the “critical mass” matter?", Management Decision, 2017, 55(7):1578-1595

Personal Interests

Painting, arts, and antiques.