Ph.D., Latin American History, Florida International University, 2003
M.A., United States History, Marshall University, 1996
B.A., History, Marshall University, 1993
​Fields Of Study
Latin American history
Family history
United States-Latin American relations
​Courses Taught
The Modern World (HIST 150)
The Technique of History (HIST 300WI)
Colonial Latin American History
Modern Latin American History
United States-Latin American Relations
Argentina (HIST 355)
Brazil (HIST 356)
​Selected Publications, Awards, and Service
"Childhood Memories and the Politics of Justice in Post-Rosas Argentina: The Restitution
Suit of Olalla Alvarez,"Girls in the World: A Global Anthology, edited by Jennifer Helgren and Colleen A. Vasconcellos (Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 2010), 105-123.
"Open Veins, Hidden Transcripts: The National Security Archive as a Tool for Critical
Pedagogy in the College Classroom,"Radical History Review, Issue 102 (Fall 2008), 90-98.
"Love and Authority in Argentina (Nineteenth Century)," inChildren and Youth in World History, edited by Miriam Forman-Brunell and Kelly Schrum. Washington, DC: Center for History
and New Media, 2008.
"Mexico," "Afro-Mexican Identity," "Industrialization," "Truth and Reconciliation
Commissions," "Paraguay," and "Uruguay" inAfrica and the Americas: History, Culture, and Politics(Santa Barbara, CA: ABC Clio, 2008).
"'Savages' Into Supplicants: Subversive Women and Restitution Petitions in Córdoba,
Argentina during the Rosas Era,"The Americas64, no. 1 (July 2007), 59-85.
"Bibliographical Sources on Africans in Mexico and Argentina," with Roberto Pacheco.Papers of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American
Library Materials(2005).
University of Florida, Latin American and Caribbean Center, 2011
National Endowment for the Humanities, Global Advisory Board on the History of Childhood,
Fund for the Improvement of Secondary Education (FIPSE) Grant, U.S. Department of
Education, 2003-2004
Fulbright Scholarship, Institute of International Education, Argentina, 1999-2000
Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Title VI, U.S. Department of Education,